Museum Team

CAP’s Museum Team is responsible for making sure that all objects which leave the archaeological site are properly processed and consigned to long-term storage in the Museo Archeologico Regionale di Aidone. Once an object reaches the museum, it is assigned an inventory number, measured, weighed, cataloged, photographed, and often drawn by members of the Museum Team and the volunteers that assist them. All this information is entered into CAP’s digital database, allowing all project members up-to-date access to the material remains and
In any given year, the team may be responsible for processing over four hundred objects, or “finds” as they are called once entering the museum’s records. During the season, the Museum Team works to identify and describe the finds recovered by the excavation, providing valuable dating information for the trench and area supervisors. The Museum Team also works closely with our conservators to develop both short-term and long-term storage solutions for all the objects under their care.